[gdal-dev] grib driver
Bas Retsios
retsios at itc.nl
Thu Jan 17 12:12:32 EST 2008
I am happy that you were able to build GDAL with the GRIB driver and try
it. I also thank you for the feedback, which I will use to improve the
You are right, the choice for "metric" is accidentally fixed in the
driver (in case you are interested, this is in file gribdataset.cpp,
function GRIBRasterBand::ReadGribData, you will find a line with "sChar
f_unit = 2; /* None = 0, English = 1, Metric = 2 */").
Consider that it was quite a headache to integrate degrib with GDAL, and
I was so happy to get it to work after a huge effort, that I forgot that
this was left hardcoded.
I guess this could be offered as an option to the user (e.g. with a
command-line parameter for gdal_translate and gdalwarp).
To check what happens with the image's description and the
georeferencing, I downloaded the image gfs.2008011612/gfs.t12.pgrb2f00.
Band 2 of this image contains the following metadata that could be used
in a description:
- msgNum = 2
- subgNum = 0
- refTime = 1200484800.0000000
- validTime = 1200484800.0000000
- element = "TMP"
- comment = "Temperature [K]"
- unitName = "[K]"
- foreSec = 0.00000000000000000
- shortFstLevel = "1000-ISBL"
- longFstLevel = "1000[Pa] ISBL="Isobaric surface""
When I was implementing the GDAL-GRIB driver (a year ago), I had checked
those fields in all GRIB images available to me at that time, and
concluded that longFstLevel was sufficient. With your images it makes
sense to compose a combination of these fields (note that GDAL only has
place for one description string).
This also goes for bands 8 and 9: For both bands, msgNum = 8, but
subgNum = 0,1. This can be incorporated in the description, but for GDAL
they will remain separate bands.
This image contains (among others) the following info in the metadata:
- Scan direction = GRIB2BIT_2 (meaning from south to north)
- (lat1,lon1) = (90,0) .. considering the scan direction, this is the
lower-left point
- (lat2,lon2) = (-90,359.5) .. this is the upper-right point of the image
Well, I was not happy with this, as it differs from all images I tried
til now. At first sight I would conclude that the image is upside-down.
Only by opening a band I can see that it is straight-up, and that the
lower-left corner must be assigned (lat,lon)=(-90,0). The image contains
the whole world, with the greenwich meridian on the left.
To solve this, I must add some intelligence to the code that passes the
georeferencing parameters to GDAL (file gribdataset.cpp, function
GRIBDataset::SetMetaData). However, I wish I had some documentation of
the GRIB format, as I am not sure if I can simply "sort" the corner
coordinates of the image (why is the scan direction given?).
For now, you can force gdal_translate to assign the correct georeference
to the image during import, by adding a parameter: -a_ullr 0 90 360 -90
. Unless your GIS expects longitudes to be between -180 and 180, this
will solve the problem.
When I find some time, I will implement above improvements (user's
choice of unit, better description, and more robust georeferencing). But
if you have some experience in C++, feel free to assist.
Ir. V. (Bas) Retsios
Software Developer
Geo-information Processing Department
International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)53 4874 573, telefax +31 (0)53 4874 335
E-mail retsios at itc.nl, Internet http://www.itc.nl
winkey wrote:
>After trying a second time I finally got the grib driver to work for me.
>the grib file i am testing with is the gfs forecast model .5 degree
>global grid available from
>replace 2008011412 with current date, last 2 digits are hour 00, 06, 12,
>this is a list of my experiences.
>first with gdalinfo I noticed that not enough info was reported to
>choose the band(s) you want
>degrib reports:
> 2.0, 158408, 2, TMP="Temperature [K]", 1000-ISBL, 11/05/2007 00:00,
>11/05/2007 00:00, 0.00
>gdalinfo reports:
>Band 2 Block=720x1 Type=Float64, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Description = 1000[Pa] ISBL="Isobaric surface"
>There seems to be no way to specify the units. degrib has a feature to
>convert the values in the grid to english or metric units. For instance
>in the band above default would have the values in kelvin, specifying
>english would convert those values to Fahrenheit, and metric would
>convert to celsius.
>Two part messages seem to be represented by two different bands. This is
>not necessarily a problem but without the variable name being reported
>by gdalinfo it is hard to find what your looking for.
>degrib reports:
>8.0, 901490, 2, UGRD="u-component of wind [m/s]", 2000-ISBL, 11/05/2007
>00:00, 11/05/2007 00:00, 0.00
>8.1, 901490, 2, VGRD="v-component of wind [m/s]", 2000-ISBL, 11/05/2007
>00:00, 11/05/2007 00:00, 0.00
>gdalinfo reports:
>Band 8 Block=720x1 Type=Float64, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Description = 2000[Pa] ISBL="Isobaric surface"
>Band 9 Block=720x1 Type=Float64, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Description = 2000[Pa] ISBL="Isobaric surface"
>I tried contouring band 169 (aka grib msg 147) 925 mb temps it seemed to
>contour only the northern hemisphere and nothing seemed in the right
>place. once again I may have the wrong band, but that would not effect
>hemisphere only the contours
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>gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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