[gdal-dev] Re: Motion: Adopt RFC 20: OGRSpatialReference Axis Support

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 18:31:32 EST 2008

On Jan 18, 2008, at 5:23 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Andrey Kiselev wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:54:36PM -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> The CPL config option "IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION" may also be set to
>>> "TRUE" to disable OGRCoordinateTransformation's checking, and
>>> application of axis orientation changes. Effectively this is a
>>> backdoor to disable the core effects of the RFC.
>> Frank,
>> Do we have any convention on GDAL option naming? Some of them starts
>> with "GDAL_" prefix, but this one not. I am suggesting to rename it  
>> in
>> "GDAL_IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION" to be more uniform and clear.
> Andrey,
> I have adjusted the RFC accordingly, though we haven't generally been
> very consistent with CPL config option naming in the past.
> Unfortunately our two business days (and a bit) have passed without
> getting enough support for the RFC to pass.  Under the assumption  
> (hope!)
> that folks have just been to busy to review it, I'm going to keep the
> motion alive for an extra two business days (till Tuesday evening).
> Any PSC members who have concerns are encouraged to raise them.  If  
> there
> isn't support by then, I guess I'll have to shelve this plan and see  
> what
> alternative I can come up with.

I am +1 on this RFC, especially with the CPL config option that allows  
a user to totally shut axis guessing off.  I admit to being slightly  
nervous about turning this stuff on by default, however.  If we start  
seeing lots of problems with it, I suppose we could flip the bit on it  
and have the CPL option be the thing that turns it on...


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