[Gdal-dev] gdal_grid: Comments from a new player

Andrey Kiselev dron at ak4719.spb.edu
Mon Jun 2 09:20:03 EDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 04:43:13PM -0700, Fodder wrote:
>    - With the EHdr output format, it seem to be necessary to switch the YMin
> & YMax around in the -tye parameter. The YMin value seems to be used for the
> ULYMap tag in the .hdr file. Is this a bug?
>    - A lat/long WGS projection reference seems to be added to the grid if no
> projection string is passed. I would have thought that a blank projection or
> non-earth projection would be better.

I tried to reproduce these errors and did not succeeded. Could you be
more specific how do you get them? I need a VRT file content and your
command line options.

Best regards,

Andrey V. Kiselev
ICQ# 26871517

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