[gdal-dev] Re: gdalwarp: ERROR 1: TIFFFetchStripThing:Sanity check on size of "StripOffsets" value failed

WolfgangZ wollez at gmx.net
Fri Mar 7 05:51:45 EST 2008

John Mitchell schrieb:
> It appears that the below error is not preventing the gdalwarp 
> processing from running but is the below error something to be concerned 
> about?
> Thanks,
> John
> On Dec 27, 2007 9:20 AM, John Mitchell < mitchelljj98 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:mitchelljj98 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     When running the below command:
>     gdalwarp.exe --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 250 -wm 250 -wo
>     SKIP_NOSOURCE=YES -tr 1.1994660564E-5 1.1994660564E-5 -srcnodata "0
>     0 0" -dstnodata "0 0 1" -rc -s_srs EPSG:26911 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -co
>     bigtiff=yes  -q --optfile
>     x:\ProcessingControl\gvwkr02\gvApp2\tmp\inputFiles.txt
>     "x:\ProcessingControl\gvwkr02\gvApp2\tmp\mosaic_0_161039.tiftemp"
>     I get the following error:
>     ERROR>ERROR 1: TIFFFetchStripThing:Sanity check on size of
>     "StripOffsets" value failed
>     I have run similar gdalwarp commands against other datasets and have
>     not had this error.  Also when I run gdalwarp against each one of
>     these files (that
>     x:\ProcessingControl\gvwkr02\gvApp2\tmp\inputFiles.txt is
>     referencing) individually I get no error. 
>     Any ideas on what this error means?
>     Do I have to split up the above gdalwarp mosaicking process into 2
>     parts and then mosaic then back together in order to get around this
>     error, or would increasing the RAM, hard drive space, etc. help to
>     get around this error?
>     Thanks,
>     -- 
>     John J. Mitchell 
> -- 
> John J. Mitchell

I also get this error message but from gdal_translate
Here the command line output:

Z:\Spain>gdal_translate -co BIGTIFF=YES -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=JPEG 
Spain.vrt Spain.tif
Input file size is 458752, 385024
ERROR 1: TIFFFetchStripThing:Sanity check on size of "TileOffsets" value 
0ERROR 1: TIFFFetchStripThing:Sanity check on size of "TileOffsets" 
value failed

ERROR 1: TIFFFetchStripThing:Sanity check on size of "TileOffsets" value 

I tried FWTools 2.06 on linux 2.11 on windows.
Any ideas?


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