Gdal Bug? was: Re: [gdal-dev] JP2MRSID Issues

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at
Thu Nov 13 15:24:04 EST 2008

Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> Stephen, Frank:
> Yes, this is indeed a Kakadu error coming from underneath our SDK.  The
> error "feels" like the sort of thing that happens when one is requesting
> a bounding box that is outside of the legal bounds for the image at that
> magnification level: that is, perhaps the scene parameters being
> requested by GDAL, or as they are interpreted by the MrSID SDK, are
> causing Kakadu to choke.
> If you can figure out what the scene parameters being passed into the
> MrSID SDK are, we could then call the SDK directly using the mrsiddecode
> command line tool and see what happens.
> -mpg & the gang


If someone can generate a patch the prints this stuff out, I'll have our 
guys build a version with the patch and I'll run it against one of the 
cases that fails.

There wouldn't happen to be a hidden debug option that might already 
print this out?

Thank you Michael for any assistance from your end also.


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