[gdal-dev] CreateCopy() Not writing ColorInterp Data

Tom V. tvalleau at clarku.edu
Tue Nov 18 15:35:31 EST 2008


I'm using GDAL to read in a NITF image and write it out as either a NITF
or a GeoTiff file, and I'm basically doing it the same way as
gdal_translate but with a few changes.  The reason I'm writing is because
when the GeoTIFF gets written out using CreateCopy(), the ColorInterp data
is gray for the first band and Undefined for the other three bands.  We're
using a stripped down version of GDAL so I can't use the SetAccess()
method to
write out to the file after it's already written.  I tried reading it back
in with the access set as GA_Update.

Has anyone seen anything like this before, or know what the problem could
be?  I'd be happy to answer any questions or go into more detail.



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