[gdal-dev] Slow createCopy()

Tom V. tvalleau at clarku.edu
Mon Nov 24 16:16:36 EST 2008


I'm using gdal 1.4.2 to write out NITF and GeoTiff images.  The
createCopy() call takes only a few minutes to write out a small file, 300
or so mb's, but takes anywhere from 1.5-3 hours to write out a single band
1.2 gb NITF or GeoTiff.  I have not tried a larger multi-spectral image.

The call looks like:
GDALDatasetH hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy( hDriver, pszDest, (GDALDatasetH)
poVDS, false, papszCreateOptions, pfnProgress, NULL );

with papszCreateOptions and pfnProgress being NULL in this case, hDriver
being the appropriate driver and, and poVDS being a vrtdataset.

If anyone has any idea why the larger files would take so long, that would
be awesome!



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