[gdal-dev] is there a way to rename fields with gdal/ogr 1.5.x?

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 16:26:25 EDT 2008


This option is related to RFC21
(http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc21_ogrsqlcast) and only available
in the development version.
The latest FWTools release should contain the related binaries.

Best regards,


2008/10/3 Duarte Carreira <DCarreira at edia.pt>:
> Hi all.
> I was trying to convert & rename a shapefile and getting syntax errors with
> the -sql string… So I'm wondering if this is working in 1.5.x or only in
> 1.6dev?
> If it's not working in 1.5 is there any other way to accomplish this in this
> version?
> Thanks,
> Duarte Carreira
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