Re: [gdal-dev] translate many ascii file in a folder to another folder

Lucena, Ivan ivan.lucena at
Wed Apr 8 08:29:59 EDT 2009

What OS are you in? What output format is that, JDEM, USGSDEM, an elevation model in any other raster format? 

Check the "for" help (type "for help" on Windows, "man for" on UNIX). 

Example in Windows with Geotiff output:

C:\> for  %I  in  (E:\asci\*.asc)  do  gdal_translate  -of gtiff  %I  E:\dem\%~nI.tif

Replace the file extension if need.

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Marco Puppin <puppingeo at>
>  Subject: [gdal-dev] translate many ascii file in a folder to another folder
>  Sent: Apr 08 '09 12:12
>  Hello everyone,
>>  i am new with gdal and i need someone help. I need  to translate a lots of
>  ascii file in some other formats, dem for  example.
>  I searched a lot in the net but i couldn't find the  right command to
>  do that.�  I mean, i found some but i always get an error message. I miss
>  something...
>  My files are in the folder E:\ascii, and i'll put  the new ones into
>  E:\dem.
>  What's the right command, please???? Do you need some other
>  information or these are enough?
>  thanks in advance...
>>  mp
>  --
>  Puppin Marco (Dott. in Geologia)
>  Via Silos 2
>  30027 San Don�  di Piave
>  Venezia
>  Tel: 0421 564842
>  Cell: 346 5799566
>  [LINK: mailto:E-mail%3Apuppingeo at] E-mail:puppingeo at
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