[gdal-dev] FIY: Test GDAL/OpenEV and Google Earth Pro with a test
set for NITF
mohwawang at yahoo.com
mohwawang at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 12 13:03:58 EDT 2009
Hi all,
Just FYI. I have tested OpenEV and Google Earth Pro with two test NITF images from the NITFS Technical Board. I found that OpenEV can load those two NITF images properly while GE Pro can load one image but somehow the scale was wrong and it could not display the other image at all.
I posted the following message to Google Earth Community >> Forums >> Active Topics Past 7 days: Open Forum, Subject: Re: New Software Report a Bug by mohwa at 4/12/09. I included it here.
To Google Earth Community
[Hi all,
I report two NITF related bugs here.
I found that there was a website http://www.ismc.nga.mil/ntb/baseline/software/samplefile.html containing free test set of NITF files from the NITFS Technical Board. From the website you can select "NITF 2.1/NISF 1.0" that will lead you to a page containing 72 free test examples with description of the object of each test cases. I selected two test cases with real images.
One is test number 1: i_3001a.ntf with object "Can the system handle an uncompressed 1024x1024 8-bit mono image and file contains GEO data?(AIRFIELD)"
I downloaded this file and dragged & drop it to GE Pro. It flew to Tibet and a airfield was shown. The problem is the scale is very strange. The runway was measured as only 30 meters long and the airplanes only 0.4 meter long. All the background is very blur because the scale is somehow wrong. What's wrong? I used another open source executable, OpenEV to load the image successfully and the image is geo-referenced.
The other test case is test number 31: i_3090m.ntf with object "CIRARCC5 checks for proper interpretation of upper left VDC and drawing of center-closed CGM circular arcs across different quadrants." I don't know what the meaning of this object. However, I downloaded the image and again I can load the image with OpenEv successfully. I found that it was a photo of Boston and East Massachusetts. It was not geo-referenced. I then dragged and drop the file to GE Pro. I didn't see the "photo", though GE Pro gave me the Google Earth - Edit Photo Overlay dialog box. Where is the "photo"?
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