[gdal-dev] writing a datasate into another one

mohamed hedi lassoued med.hedi.lassoued at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 01:53:51 EDT 2009


Im new with GDAL and i want add a gdal module to my application.this one
should translate a file from a format to another like gdal_translat .
So i should read the sourcefile making it into a dataset.my problem is that
in the copy() methode i should copy a data set to the copy one and chage
many options like projection.
i paste my module here and i wish that you can help me to copy the data set
to the new one. i saw the tutorial and i dont see copy methode and if i
should use band of dataset to copy a band to another one.


 *    ogr2gui is an application used to convert and manipulate geospatial
 *    data. It is based on the "OGR Simple Feature Library" from the
 *    "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" <http://gdal.org>.
 *    Copyright (c) 2009 Inventis <mailto:developpement at inventis.ca>
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

 *    \file Cvt.cpp
 *    \brief Cvt
 *    \author Mohamed Hedi Lassoued [ Inventis ]
 *    \version 0.5
 *    \date 13/01/09

#include "../inc/Cvt.h"

#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include "cpl_string.h"

Cvt::Cvt( void )
    GDALAllRegister() ;

Cvt::~Cvt( void )


bool Cvt::OpenDataset( const char * pszSrcFilename, const char *
pszDstFilename )
    //Open the source file

 poSrcDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( pszSrcFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
        if( poSrcDS != NULL )
            //succès d'ouverture du Dataset
        error = "unable to open Dataset";
        return false;


    //Open the target file
poDstDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( pszDstFilename, GA_Update );
        if( poDstDS != NULL )
            //succès d'ouverture du Dataset
        error = "unable to open Dataset";
        return false;

int Cvt::VerfCreat();
    const char *pszFormat = "GTiff"; // target Format

    char **papszMetadata;

    poDstDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszFormat);

    if( poDstDriver == NULL )
       // exit( 1 );
    return 0;
    // Vérification de possibilité d'utilisation CREAT ou CREATCOPY
    papszMetadata = poDstDriver->GetMetadata();
    if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, FALSE ) )
        printf( "Driver %s supports Create() method.\n", pszFormat );
        return 1;
    if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, FALSE ) )
        printf( "Driver %s supports CreateCopy() method.\n", pszFormat );
        return 2;


// creat of dataset copy with the new Format
//need to complet the if .... creat directly ....
bool Cvt::ConvertDataset();
    if ( VerfCreat()==2 ) // using CreateCopy
        poDstDS = poDstDriver->CreateCopy( pszDstFilename, poSrcDS, FALSE,
                        NULL, NULL, NULL );

    else if ( VerfCreat()==1 ) // using Creat

        poDstDS = poDstDriver->Create( pszDstFilename,
poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize(),
poSrcDS->GetRasterCount(), GDT_Byte,
                    papszOptions );

        //Modification  that we can do for the poDstDS (add a
geotransfor, UTM,  SetWellKnownGeogCS....

        poDstDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );

        oSRS.SetUTM( 11, TRUE );
        oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "NAD27" );
        oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszSRS_WKT );
        poDstDS->SetProjection( pszSRS_WKT );
        CPLFree( pszSRS_WKT );

        for( int i = 1; i<=poDstDS->GetRasterCount() ; i++ )
            poBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(i);

            //il faut ecrire dans le poDstDS  le poband lu, nrmalement
il y a un setRasterBand

            poBand->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0,
poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize(), poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize(),
                abyRaster, 512, 512, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
            poDstDS = poDriver->Create( pszDstFilename, 512, 512, 1, GDT_Byte,
                        papszOptions );
            /* Once we're done, close properly the dataset */

    if( poDstDS != NULL )
        GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poDstDS );
        GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poSrcDS );

thx all

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