[gdal-dev] Generating GML from Database - Problem: No decimal values
Gregor Fikoczek
gregor.fikoczek at wheregroup.com
Tue Feb 10 04:22:07 EST 2009
Hi list,
i got a problem by generating a GML-File from the Oracle- and MySQL-DB using
ogr2ogr, so I alway getting in MySQL/oracle instead of a float-value an
rounded integer-value (mostly 0) without any decimal numbers.
Some Info:
Structure MySQL:
ID smallint(6)
col1 float
col2 float(8,4)
col3 double
col4 double(8,4)
col5 decimal(10,0)
col6 decimal(6,4)
using ogrinfo/ogr2ogr with MySQL:
ogrinfo MYSQL:******** -sql "SELECT * from test_decimal_values"
ID (Integer) = 3
col1 (Real) = 12
col2 (Real) = 12
col3 (Real) = 12
col4 (Real) = 12
col5 (Real) = 12
col6 (Real) = 12.1234
Real Value (every column) in the databese: 12.1234
=> Only the values of column col6 [ decimal(6,4)] are right interprated, what
about the other decimal value in ogr ????
=> My real column is like the col1-column [float]
Structure Oracle:
using ogrinfo/ogr2ogr with Oracle:
ogrinfo OCI:********** -sql "SELECT * from test_decimal_values"
Feature Count: 1
Layer SRS WKT:
ID: Integer (2.0)
COL1: Real (0.0)
COL2: Real (6.4)
OGRFeature(SELECT * from test_decimal_values):0
ID (Integer) = 1
COL1 (Real) = 12
COL2 (Real) = 12.0000
Real Value (every column) in the databese: 12.3456
=> No column-values are right interprated, so what about the decimal value in
ogr ????
=> My real column is like the col1-column [NUMBER]
So is there any option i got to set or a workaround for that problem,
aspacialy in oracle?
Best regards,
WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
Siemensstraße 8
53121 Bonn
Gregor Fikoczek
Email: gregor.fikoczek at wheregroup.com
Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 25
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 11
info at wheregroup.com
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
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