[gdal-dev] [1.6.0][GDALWARP] World file name is empty

RICHARD Didier didier.richard at ign.fr
Tue Feb 24 06:55:11 EST 2009

Hi all,

I am having the following behavior with gdalwarp (freshly compiled from
1.6.0) when I am requiring to get a tfw file (former releases didn't have
this behavior) :

$ gdalwarp ... -co "TFW=YES" in.tif out.tif

"out.tif" and ".tfw" files are generated (before 1.6.0, I got "out.tif"
and "out.tfw")

If I remove the -co "TFW=YES", only the "out.tif" is produced. Then,

$ gdal_translate -co "TFW=YES" out.tif out2.tif

"out2.tif" and "out2.tfw" are generated as expected.

I noticed that osFilename is empty in WriteGeoTIFFInfo() function.
A workaround solution (for me only) was to add :

poDS->osFilename = pszFilename;

at line 5420 of GTiffDataset::Create() function in geotiff.cpp.

Did anyone else face this behavior ?

Should I put a ticket (I didn't find such a report in the trac) ?


RICHARD Didier - Chef du pôle technique du Géoportail
2/4, avenue Pasteur - 94165 Saint Mandé Cedex
Tél : +33 (0) 1 43 98 83 23

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