[gdal-dev] 8/12 bit jpeg in tiff dual mode

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Jun 26 15:22:36 EDT 2009


Over the last few weeks I have been working on support for reading and
writing TIFF files with 12bit jpeg compressed images.  This is a somewhat
popular format for scanned airphotos from some vendors.

I have made changes in libjpeg and libtiff upstream, and incorporated these
updates into GDAL trunk so that now a default build of GDAL trunk should
support reading and writing 8 and 12 bit jpeg compressed TIFF files.  A
description of the projects and changes is available at:


I would appreciate testing and feedback on this capability.  I would also
like to thank Adam Nowaki who assisted with some issues in libtiff related
to this project.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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