[gdal-dev] Converting USGSDEM into GTOP30 DEM or DTED

Matt Wilkie matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Fri Mar 13 11:47:57 EDT 2009

> So I wonder if there is a way to convert USGSDEM file into a DTED file
> which will cover _all_ area, ie.

I don't believe this is possible. I think the DTED specification states
a single dted file must be of fixed pixel dimensions: 1201x1201
(2402x1201 north/south of 70°). Certainly thats the case for CDED which
was derived from DTED.

best regards,

matt wilkie
Geographic Information,
Information Management and Technology,
Yukon Department of Environment
10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax

İsmail Dönmez wrote:
> Hi all;
> I have a rather big (3.1G) USGSDEM file. I need to convert it to
> GTOP30 DEM format or to a series of DTED files to be read by a 3rd
> party library which does not support USGSDEM files. I looked around
> and apparently gdal does not support exporting to GTOP30 DEM format.
> gdal_translate -of DTED input.dem out.dt0
> just creates a one point with 1201x1201 area.
> Any help is appreciated. Regards.

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