[gdal-dev] gdal2tiles with bounding box and resolutions
Jared Erickson
JERICKS at co.pierce.wa.us
Fri Mar 13 13:55:20 EDT 2009
I am trying to tile cache an ArcSDE Raster using gdal2tiles. I have other tile caches already created with specific a bounding box and resolutions. How can I use gdal2tiles to build a tile cache with these same parameters?
I tried create a VRT with the specific bounding box:
gdalwarp -of "VRT" -te 1048974.00 473455.00 1453419.00 798937.00 "SDE:my_arcsde_connection_string_here" ortho.vrt
This worked (or atleast I end up with ortho.vrt).
Next, I tried getting the specifc image size needed for my tile cache (necessary to get the correct resolution...I think...):
gdal_translate -of "GTiff" -outsize 4096 4096 ortho_2008.vrt ortho.tiff
This doesn't seem to work. I wait a few minutes and kill the process because it doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Any ideas?
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