[gdal-dev] Splitting and projecting a large .sid image
Chaitanya kumar CH
chaitanya.ch at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 12:47:50 EDT 2009
The -te option mentions the extents of the output file, not the input
file. As of now there is no option in gdalwrap to specify the input
file extents.
Chaitanya kumar CH.
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:44 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my annual wake-up got to do something with rasters and forgot the
> finer details of the last time I did a problem similar to it.
> I have a bunch of LandSat mrsid imagery, they are in multiple UTM zone
> projections and I want to convert them to geographic projection, WGS84, and
> into tiff files. The files are too large to convert into a single tif, so I
> plan to quarter each file into 4 pieces.
> So I wrote a script the reads the files and collects info about them, then
> generates 4 gdalwarp commands to reproject each quarter of the file (perl
> included below). A typical command looks like:
> gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -s_srs +init=epsg:32642 -t_srs EPSG:4326
> -te 68.9999676729652 24.9707453133203 72.7715338115736 27.4799559407707 -rb
> -wm 250 --config GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON -co "TILED=YES"
> ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid ./af/n-42-25_1-0.tif
> The reprojection seems to have worked fine, but the bounds seem to be off
> because of the black (nodata) areas.
> You can see my poor results here:
> http://imaptools.com/downloads/raster.gif
> Is there a better way to do this? I seem to remember a tool to generate
> tiles.
> Does this need to be done in two steps? How?
> Did I mess up my logic below? I've been over it multiple times and do not
> see any errors.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Steve
> $ gdalinfo -nomd ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid
> Driver: MrSID/Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
> Files: ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid
> Size is 51078, 39090
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (136066.125000000000000,3323577.375000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (14.250000000000000,-14.250000000000000)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left ( 136066.125, 3323577.375)
> Lower Left ( 136066.125, 2766544.875)
> Upper Right ( 863927.625, 3323577.375)
> Lower Right ( 863927.625, 2766544.875)
> Center ( 499996.875, 3045061.125)
> Band 1 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
> Minimum=0.000, Maximum=226.000, Mean=109.610, StdDev=39.202
> Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222,
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> Band 2 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
> Minimum=0.000, Maximum=229.000, Mean=125.833, StdDev=31.828
> Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222,
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> Band 3 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
> Minimum=0.000, Maximum=227.000, Mean=107.092, StdDev=37.230
> Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222,
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> $ cat ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.prj
> Projection UTM
> Datum WGS84
> Zunits NO
> Units METERS
> Zone 42
> Xshift 0.000000
> Yshift 0.000000
> Parameters
> Perl snippet:
> foreach my $sid (@files) {
> next unless $wanted && $sid =~ /$wanted/i;
> if (! -r $sid) {
> warn "SKIPPING: $sid is not readable!\n";
> next;
> }
> my $gdalinfo = `gdalinfo -nomd $sid`;
> # parse out the strings that we need
> $gdalinfo =~ /Upper Left \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn "Upper
> Left parse error\n";
> my $ul = [$1, $2];
> $gdalinfo =~ /Lower Left \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn "Lower
> Left parse error\n";
> my $ll = [$1, $2];
> $gdalinfo =~ /Upper Right \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn "Upper
> Right error\n";
> my $ur = [$1, $2];
> $gdalinfo =~ /Lower Right \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn "Lower
> Right error\n";
> my $lr = [$1, $2];
> my $outf = $sid;
> $outf =~ s/\.sid//;
> $outf =~ m/\/([^\/]+)$/;
> $outf = $1;
> my $prj = $sid;
> $prj =~ s/\.sid/.prj/;
> if (! -r $prj) {
> warn "SKIPPING: $prj is not readable!\n";
> next;
> }
> my $projinfo = `grep Zone $prj`;
> if ($projinfo =~ /^Zone\s*([-+]?\d+)/) {
> my $znum = $1;
> if ($znum < 0) {
> $epsg = 32700 - $znum;
> } else {
> $epsg = 32600 + $znum;
> }
> }
> else {
> warn "SKIPPING: could not find zone or epsg in $prj\n";
> next;
> }
> my $proj = sprintf("+init=epsg:%d", $epsg);
> print "Using projection: $proj for $projinfo" if $DEBUG;
> my $pj = Geo::Proj4->new($proj);
> if (! $pj) {
> warn "SKIPPING: Geo::Proj4 error: " . Geo::Proj4->error . "\n";
> next;
> }
> $ul = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ul)];
> $ll = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ll)];
> $ur = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ur)];
> $lr = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$lr)];
> # this is probably a parallelgram in latlong
> if ($DEBUG) {
> printf("ul = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ul);
> printf("ll = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ll);
> printf("ur = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ur);
> printf("lr = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$lr);
> }
> # Get the bbox of the parallelgram
> my $xmin = $ul->[0]<$ll->[0]?$ul->[0]:$ll->[0];
> my $xmax = $ur->[0]>$lr->[0]?$ur->[0]:$lr->[0];
> my $ymin = $ll->[1]<$lr->[1]?$ll->[1]:$lr->[1];
> my $ymax = $ul->[1]>$ur->[1]?$ul->[1]:$ur->[1];
> my $tiled = '-co "TILED=YES"';
> $tiled = '' if -e $outf;
> my $nparts = 2;
> my $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / $nparts;
> my $dy = ($ymax - $ymin) / $nparts;
> my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1);
> for (my $i=0, $x0=$xmin; $i<$nparts; $i++, $x0 += $dx) {
> $x1 = $x0 + $dx;
> for (my $j=0, $y0=$ymin; $j<$nparts; $j++, $y0 += $dy) {
> $y1 = $y0 + $dy;
> my $tif = sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%d-%d.tif", $work, $outd, $outf,
> $i, $j);
> my $cmd = sprintf("gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -s_srs
> +init=epsg:%d -t_srs EPSG:4326 -te $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -rb -wm 250 --config
> GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON $tiled $sid $tif\n", $epsg);
> print "$cmd\n";
> my $rc = system($cmd);
> print "SYSTEM returned: " . sprintf("%lx\n", ($rc & 0xffff))
> if $DEBUG
> }
> }
> }
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