[gdal-dev] Splitting and projecting a large .sid image

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Thu Mar 19 14:43:53 EDT 2009


  My general strategy when doing this (on terabytes of raster data) is:

1. Create a tileindex of input data.
Since you've got multiple zones of raster data, you'll need to create one tileindex for each zone (using gdaltindex), de-project them to geographic, and concatenate them (use ogr2ogr or PostGIS).

2. Create a geographic tileindex of output files (via your own script)
The size, extents, and amount of overlap are up to you.  It doesn't have to be a tileindex; it could be just a list of extents for use in steps 3 and 5 below.

3. Do a spatial select for each output tile on the input tileindex to create a "mini" tileindex for each output tile.
I use a hacked version of shputils to do this, but I expect PostGIS or ogr2ogr + SQL would be a better way to go.

4. Convert all the mini tileindexes to vrt files (see the new gdalbuildvrt app!)

5  Use gdal_translate with the extents from step 2 to extract the output tile pixels from its corresponding vrt.

Convoluted yes, but very "scalable".  And no Null pixels in the output tiles.

Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my annual wake-up got to do something with rasters and forgot 
> the finer details of the last time I did a problem similar to it.
> I have a bunch of LandSat mrsid imagery, they are in multiple UTM zone 
> projections and I want to convert them to geographic projection, WGS84, 
> and into tiff files. The files are too large to convert into a single 
> tif, so I plan to quarter each file into 4 pieces.
> So I wrote a script the reads the files and collects info about them, 
> then generates 4 gdalwarp commands to reproject each quarter of the file 
> (perl included below). A typical command looks like:
> gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -s_srs +init=epsg:32642 -t_srs 
> EPSG:4326 -te 68.9999676729652 24.9707453133203 72.7715338115736 
> 27.4799559407707 -rb -wm 250 --config GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON -co 
> "TILED=YES" ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid ./af/n-42-25_1-0.tif
> The reprojection seems to have worked fine, but the bounds seem to be 
> off because of the black (nodata) areas.
> You can see my poor results here:
> http://imaptools.com/downloads/raster.gif
> Is there a better way to do this? I seem to remember a tool to generate 
> tiles.
> Does this need to be done in two steps? How?
> Did I mess up my logic below? I've been over it multiple times and do 
> not see any errors.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
>   -Steve
> $ gdalinfo -nomd ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid
> Driver: MrSID/Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
> Files: ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.sid
> Size is 51078, 39090
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (136066.125000000000000,3323577.375000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (14.250000000000000,-14.250000000000000)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (  136066.125, 3323577.375)
> Lower Left  (  136066.125, 2766544.875)
> Upper Right (  863927.625, 3323577.375)
> Lower Right (  863927.625, 2766544.875)
> Center      (  499996.875, 3045061.125)
> Band 1 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
>   Minimum=0.000, Maximum=226.000, Mean=109.610, StdDev=39.202
>   Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222, 
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> Band 2 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
>   Minimum=0.000, Maximum=229.000, Mean=125.833, StdDev=31.828
>   Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222, 
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> Band 3 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
>   Minimum=0.000, Maximum=227.000, Mean=107.092, StdDev=37.230
>   Overviews: 25539x19545, 12770x9773, 6385x4887, 3193x2444, 1597x1222, 
> 799x611, 400x306, 200x153
> $ cat ./GeoCover2000/n-42-25.prj
> Projection     UTM
> Datum          WGS84
> Zunits         NO
> Units          METERS
> Zone           42
> Xshift         0.000000
> Yshift         0.000000
> Parameters
> Perl snippet:
>     foreach my $sid (@files) {
>         next unless $wanted && $sid =~ /$wanted/i;
>         if (! -r $sid) {
>             warn "SKIPPING: $sid is not readable!\n";
>             next;
>         }
>         my $gdalinfo = `gdalinfo -nomd $sid`;
>         # parse out the strings that we need
>         $gdalinfo =~ /Upper Left  \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn 
> "Upper Left parse error\n";
>         my $ul = [$1, $2];
>         $gdalinfo =~ /Lower Left  \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn 
> "Lower Left parse error\n";
>         my $ll = [$1, $2];
>         $gdalinfo =~ /Upper Right \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn 
> "Upper Right error\n";
>         my $ur = [$1, $2];
>         $gdalinfo =~ /Lower Right \((\s*[^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)/s || warn 
> "Lower Right error\n";
>         my $lr = [$1, $2];
>         my $outf = $sid;
>         $outf =~ s/\.sid//;
>         $outf =~ m/\/([^\/]+)$/;
>         $outf = $1;
>         my $prj = $sid;
>         $prj =~ s/\.sid/.prj/;
>         if (! -r $prj) {
>             warn "SKIPPING: $prj is not readable!\n";
>             next;
>         }
>         my $projinfo = `grep Zone $prj`;
>         if ($projinfo =~ /^Zone\s*([-+]?\d+)/) {
>             my $znum = $1;
>             if ($znum < 0) {
>                 $epsg = 32700 - $znum;
>             } else {
>                 $epsg = 32600 + $znum;
>             }
>         }
>         else {
>             warn "SKIPPING:  could not find zone or epsg in $prj\n";
>             next;
>         }
>         my $proj = sprintf("+init=epsg:%d", $epsg);
>         print "Using projection: $proj for $projinfo" if $DEBUG;
>         my $pj = Geo::Proj4->new($proj);
>         if (! $pj) {
>             warn "SKIPPING: Geo::Proj4 error: " . Geo::Proj4->error . "\n";
>             next;
>         }
>         $ul = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ul)];
>         $ll = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ll)];
>         $ur = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$ur)];
>         $lr = [reverse $pj->inverse(@$lr)];
>         # this is probably a parallelgram in latlong
>         if ($DEBUG) {
>             printf("ul = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ul);
>             printf("ll = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ll);
>             printf("ur = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$ur);
>             printf("lr = %11.6f, %11.6f\n", @$lr);
>         }
>         # Get the bbox of the parallelgram
>         my $xmin = $ul->[0]<$ll->[0]?$ul->[0]:$ll->[0];
>         my $xmax = $ur->[0]>$lr->[0]?$ur->[0]:$lr->[0];
>         my $ymin = $ll->[1]<$lr->[1]?$ll->[1]:$lr->[1];
>         my $ymax = $ul->[1]>$ur->[1]?$ul->[1]:$ur->[1];
>         my $tiled = '-co "TILED=YES"';
>         $tiled = '' if -e $outf;
>         my $nparts = 2;
>         my $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / $nparts;
>         my $dy = ($ymax - $ymin) / $nparts;
>         my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1);
>         for (my $i=0, $x0=$xmin; $i<$nparts; $i++, $x0 += $dx) {
>             $x1 = $x0 + $dx;
>             for (my $j=0, $y0=$ymin; $j<$nparts; $j++, $y0 += $dy) {
>                 $y1 = $y0 + $dy;
>                 my $tif = sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%d-%d.tif", $work, $outd, 
> $outf, $i, $j);
>                 my $cmd = sprintf("gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 
> -s_srs +init=epsg:%d -t_srs EPSG:4326 -te $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -rb -wm 250 
> --config GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON $tiled $sid $tif\n", $epsg);
>                 print "$cmd\n";
>                 my $rc = system($cmd);
>                 print "SYSTEM returned: " . sprintf("%lx\n", ($rc & 
> 0xffff))
>                     if $DEBUG
>             }
>         }
>     }
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