[gdal-dev] GDALGetProjectionRef delivers wrong CS
Florian Hillen
fhillen at uni-osnabrueck.de
Thu Mar 19 13:25:23 EDT 2009
I use GDALGetProjectionRef as it is shown in the GDAL Warp API Tutorial,
but it delivers a wrong CS.
gdalinfo delivers the following:
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 3",
SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128000009,
GDALGetProjectionRef delivers this:
PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["DHDN",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["unretrievable -
using WGS84",6378137,298.257223563]]
I think that this is the reason why the warp doesn't work.
Can anyone of you help me with that?
Best regards,
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