[gdal-dev] utm projection in gdal_translate
Luca Fasano
lucafasano at interfree.it
Mon Mar 30 05:15:05 EDT 2009
I want to create a GTiff copy to a data with projection overridden to
*utm* using gdal_translate and its "a_srs" parameter.
If I try to do this I obtain a wrongly located data.
Command I use is like following:
$ gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs "+proj=utm +datum=WGS84
+zone=<corrected utm zone starting from src coordinates> " src dst.tiff
If I try to georeference the same data with gdal_warp and the same
parameters I obtain a correctly located data, so I think the problem
doesn't come from datas neither from parameters.
What's wrong? Have I skipped some parameters?
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