[gdal-dev] GDAL scripting with Python 2.5 (on windows)

Aleksey Naumov anaumov at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 13:14:48 EDT 2009


Thank you, installing gdal-python fixed my problem. I just have to figure
out how to deal with ECW ad MrSID formats in OSGeo4W...

Best regards,

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Matt Wilkie <matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca> wrote:

> Hi Aleksey,
> With osgeo4w as Ivan noted you need to install the gdal-python package. O4w
> doesn't register it's python on the windows registry, so unless you run your
> .py script from inside the o4w shell it won't find the right python either.
> There are a number of python scripts in C:\Osgeo4w\bin\ which you can use
> as a model for your own to get started.
> cheers,
> matt wilkie
> --------------------------------------------
> Geomatics Analyst
> Information Management and Technology
> Yukon Department of Environment
> 10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
> 867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax
> http://environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca/geomatics/
> --------------------------------------------
> Aleksey Naumov wrote:
>> Dear GDAL users,
>> My apologies if this is a repeated question, I searched the mail acrhives
>> and found a few discussions on this subject, but no resolution, AFAIK. I may
>> have overlooked a good thread, would appreciate a link.
>> My problem is being able to do scripting with GDAL using Python 2.5 (this
>> version is important because of integration/compatibility with a number of
>> other packages, mainly IPython), and I need to be able to do it on Windows.
>> I attempted a few approaches, but could not figure out how to get all the
>> pieces to work together:
>>   - FWTools 2.4.5; however it comes with Python 2.3, an older version
>>   - OSGEO4W
>>      - Went through the Express setup and chose GDAL (+ GRASS, QGIS).It
>> installed Python 2.5.2; however on "import gdal" I get error "No module
>> named gdal".
>>      - I looked through the Advanced setup and tried it a few times with
>> various options related to GDAL, however was not able to get it to work. Are
>> there specific options that should be enabled to make GDAL/Python scripting
>> possible in OSGEO4W?
>>   - Tried to "easy_install gdal", this finds GDAL 1.6.1 and puts a
>> suitable *.egg into C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages. But when I try to "import
>> gdal" I get the error stating that gdal16.dll was not found.
>> Is there a way to achieve this on Windows? Do I need to compile GDAL on my
>> windows box; if so, should I be using Cygwin or try to download MS VC++?
>> Thank you
>> Aleksey
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