[gdal-dev] List of Supported EPSG's
Pedro Roma
pedroroma1982 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 07:24:36 EDT 2010
Thank you Gil. But what you are saying is that I can only do that after I
install/compile GDAL in my system right?
By the way, is there any "clash" between PROJ 4.7 version with not-so-new
versions of GDAL (in gdalwarp, gdalinfo, gdaltranslate)
2010/4/6 Gilles Bassière <gbassiere at gmail.com>
> Pedro Roma wrote:
> > How can I know which EPSG's codes/systems are supported by GDAL for
> > gdal_info, translate and warp?
> Hi Pedro
> I believe GDAL relies on Proj for everything related to projections.
> Within the Proj installation directory, there is a set of files which
> hold code/SRS description pairs. One of these files is named "epsg" and
> contains a subset of the EPSG database described with the proj syntax.
> In my case (Ubuntu), this file is /usr/share/proj/epsg.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards
> --
> Gilles Bassičre - Web/GIS software engineer
> http://gbassiere.free.fr/
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