[gdal-dev] kyngchaos Framework build doesn't support OGDI

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Wed Apr 21 20:58:35 EDT 2010

The test dataset works for me with my 1.7.1-1 release builds, on both Leopard and Snow.

Do you have a quick link for that NGA data?

On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Even Rouault wrote:

> Christopher,
> There were 2 meaningful changes mades in the OGR OGDI driver during GDAL 1.7 
> development (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/18499 and 
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/18502)
> Could you try downloading and unzipping
> http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ogdi/OGDI_Test_Suite/3.1/ogdits-3.1.0.zip
> then try :
> ogrinfo -ro gltp:/vrf/path/to/ogdits-3.1/data/vpf/vm2alv2/texash
> This is supposed to work (tested in GDAL autotest suite)
> If it doesn't, then I'd suppose it is an issue with the OGDI library in the 
> framework.
> It it works with that dataset, then perhaps this is due to one of the above 
> changes in the driver that wouldn't work with DNC datasets, but I'm very 
> skeptical as the changes only affect the layer object whereas your error 
> would tend to think that the driver doesn't even go to the point of creating 
> any layer.
> Best regards,
> Even
> Le Thursday 22 April 2010 01:29:39 Christopher Barker, vous avez écrit :
>> William,
>> I couldn't see a place to report this on your site, to I'm reporting it
>> here. The 1.7 GDAL build doesn't seem to support the OGDI drivers,
>> whereas the 1.6 build does.
>> I'm using ORG to read the VPF, as used by the NGA digital nautical
>> charts. Note:
>> $ /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.6/Programs/ogrinfo
>> gltp:/vrf/Users/cbarker/Temp/DNC16/A1610880
>> yields:
>> ERROR 4: OGDI Driver doesn't support update.
>> Had to open data source read-only.
>> INFO: Open of `gltp:/vrf/Users/cbarker/Temp/DNC16/A1610880'
>>       using driver `OGDI' successful.
>> 1: buildngp at cul(*)_point (Point)
>> 2: commp at cul(*)_point (Point)
>> ....
>> Whereas:
>> $ /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.7/Programs/ogrinfo
>> gltp:/vrf/Users/cbarker/Temp/DNC16/A1610880
>> yields:
>> Unable to open datasource `gltp:/vrf/Users/cbarker/Temp/DNC16/A1610880'
>> with the following drivers.
>>   -> ESRI Shapefile
>> ...
>>   -> OGDI
>> ...
>> So OGDI is in the list, but it doesn't work.
>> Note that I'm having trouble getting this to work with my own build,
>> too, so it may be a GDAL/OGR/OGDI issue, rather than an issue with your
>> Framework builds.
>> -Chris

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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