[gdal-dev] swig generated files for Perl bindings removed from repository

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Aug 19 09:20:10 EDT 2010

Ari Jolma wrote:
> Folks,
> This was discussed a while ago[1] and while there was no general 
> conclusion, I believe there is no requirement for the Perl bindings to 
> keep the generated files in the repository. In fact, I recommend that 
> the Perl bindings are regenerated every time they are built. The only 
> exception is if you are using an official release (either of GDAL itself 
> or Geo::GDAL - but see below), which is guaranteed to have updated 
> bindings built in the release process.
> Note that "make generate" in swig/perl is not guaranteed to build 
> updated bindings since the dependencies are not complete, the old ones 
> need to be deleted first with "rm *wrap*".
> Perl bindings are not so picky on swig version. swig version in latest 
> Ubuntu is 1.3.40 and it is ok, but also 2.0.0 seem to work ok (I just 
> tested). swig for windows binaries also have worked without problems.
> I have been negligent at updating the Perl bindings as a CPAN module. A 
> CPAN package (currently Geo-GDAL-0.23.tar.gz) can be generated from the 
> bindings by "make dist". The package includes the swig generated 
> bindings. Testing now it seems that building the package out of GDAL 
> distribution fails due to (at least) include file swq.h not being found. 
> This is a known bug[2], not related to the Perl bindings.


I agree, you are welcome to remove the perl bindings from the repository.
I see that the mkgdaldist.sh script is already regenerating the perl
(and C#) bindings when release and nightly distributions are prepared.

If it has not already been done, you should try to make the situation
clear in the documentation.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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