[gdal-dev] Black lines across images using GDAL 1.7.2 and above

Nathan Vander Wilt nate-lists at calftrail.com
Wed Dec 15 13:44:12 EST 2010

On Dec 15, 2010, at 3:58 AM, Smart, Gary wrote:
> I recently updated our GDAL source to version 1.7.3 from 1.7.1 and suddenly we appear to have lots of black lines across any imagery read using the GDAL (e.g. NITF files, WMS geotiffs).  Wondering if it was a 1.7.3 issue, I switched to 1.7.2 which showed exactly the same problem.  Moving back to 1.7.1 clears it.  It looks very much like memory corruption and seems to particularly affect the lower half of displayed images.
> Has anyone else witnessed such corruption?  We need to keep our systems up to date with the latest GDAL but cannot move forward with this problem in the build.

Woah, yes I have! I am using GDAL trunk ("1.8.0") to churn through some imagery, and noticed strange black lines through some of the output. In my initial investigation I couldn't find them in the source data. I am glad you posted, because I was going to have to track this down eventually and my large source data makes that a slooooow process.

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