[gdal-dev] Cannot set transparent color for GeoTIFFs

Chaitanya kumar CH chaitanya.ch at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 12:25:44 EST 2010

>From what Ed said, editing the color table is useless. Try to expand the
tiff to rgb and proceed from there. At least the error message should
change. ;-)

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Grissom, Edward (Ed) <
ed.grissom at intergraph.com> wrote:

> Are you aware that the TIFF (and GeoTIFF) spec does not allow you to set
> a transparent color ?
> The TIFF spec allows a transparency bit-mask or an alpha channel -- each
> of which covers the entire image, but does not allow a specific color
> value to be used as transparent.
> I believe that the spec also forbids a alpha channel on the color table
> itself.   It may allow one on a color indexed image, but it may be that
> GDAL has not implemented support for that yet.
> --
> ed grissom
> ed.grissom at intergraph.com

Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.
/tʃaɪθənjə/ /kʊmɑr/
17.241582N 80.142635E
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