[gdal-dev] Oracle OCI connection in Python OGR
abhay.menon at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 08:56:11 EST 2010
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Eric Wolf <ebwolf at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using GDAL/OGR 1.6.1 with ActivePython 2.6.4-10 and
> cx_Oracle-5.0.3-11g. I am trying to connect to an Oracle 11g instance.
> This works:
> ogr2ogr -f "KML" emp.kml OCI:scott/tiger "EMP"
> What am I doing wrong. This fails, ds is None:
> from osgeo import ogr
> try:
> d = ogr.GetDriverByName('OCI')
> except:
> print "Unable to GetDriverByName"
> quit()
> ds = None
> try:
> ds = ogr.Open('OCI:scott/tiger')
> except:
> print "Unable to open OCI connection"
> quit()
> if ds is None:
> print "Unable to open Oracle connection", ds
> quit()
> lyr = ds.GetLayerByName('EMP')
> number = lyr.GetFeatureCount()
> print "Features: " + str(number)
> -=--=---=----=----=---=--=-=--=---=----=---=--=-=-
> Eric B. Wolf New! 720-334-7734
> USGS Geographer
> Center of Excellence in GIScience
> PhD Student
> CU-Boulder - Geography
> GPG Public Key: http://www.h4h.net/ebwolf.public.key.txt
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Hi Eric,
Form your mail it not clear what is cause of the problem.
There 2 scenario here
1) you are on a remote machine form where your trying to connect oracle
server machine:
a) Have you installed any Oracle Client in your system. Considering that you
are using the complete oracle client installation you can use the following
OCI:scott/tiger@<Tnsname entry for eg. ORCL>
b) if you are trying out with Instant client for 11g you should try either
of the following
OCI:scott/tiger@//localhost/<your ORACLE SERVICE IDENTIFIER for eg ORCL>.
2) you are on the oracle server machine where
you must set the oracle SID. like the following
on windows
on *nix
then try your implementation or use methods stated in 1)
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