[gdal-dev] ERROR 1: Too many points (441 out of 441) failed to
transform, , unable to compute output bounds.
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Jun 8 16:18:14 EDT 2010
Obviously when dealing with UTM zone 1 or 60, you can expect some issues :-)
The spatial extent of your source file is the following :
Upper Left ( 116009.250, 276735.000) (179d32'52.82"E, 2d29'56.85"N)
Lower Left ( 116009.250, -997.500) (179d33'4.57"E, 0d 0'32.43"S)
Upper Right ( 883970.250, 276735.000) (173d32'53.48"W, 2d29'56.85"N)
Lower Right ( 883970.250, -997.500) (173d33'5.24"W, 0d 0'32.43"S)
Center ( 499989.750, 137868.750) (177d 0'0.33"W, 1d14'50.42"N)
Which means its crossing the dateline meridian, a never ending source of
problems, in particular for gdalwarp...
There's luckily a workaround. You can give a hint to the warping algorithm by
specifying the center longitude of the area of interest.
Try this : gdalwarp --config CENTER_LONG 180 -s_srs EPSG:36001 -t_srs
EPSG:4326 source_dataset out.tif
The longitude extent of the out.tif will be approx. between 179.55 and 186.44,
which might cause issues in number of applications that would expect the
longitude to be in the [-180,180] range. In that case, you'd likely need to
cut it into 2 pieces, at the west and east of longitude 180 with
(You could also try with CENTER_LONG set at -180, which would leave to simular
results, but with extent centered around -180 ...)
Best regards,
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