[gdal-dev] ERROR 1: Too many points (441 out of 441) failed to
transform, , unable to compute output bounds.
Stephen Woodbridge
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Jun 9 08:58:34 EDT 2010
Excellent! this fixed the problem and I can split the image if I need to
do that.
So does --config CENTER_LONG 180 impact processing of files that are in
other UTM Zones? ie: can I just always use this or will if mess up other
files in some way?
Even Rouault wrote:
> Stephen,
> Obviously when dealing with UTM zone 1 or 60, you can expect some issues :-)
> The spatial extent of your source file is the following :
> Upper Left ( 116009.250, 276735.000) (179d32'52.82"E, 2d29'56.85"N)
> Lower Left ( 116009.250, -997.500) (179d33'4.57"E, 0d 0'32.43"S)
> Upper Right ( 883970.250, 276735.000) (173d32'53.48"W, 2d29'56.85"N)
> Lower Right ( 883970.250, -997.500) (173d33'5.24"W, 0d 0'32.43"S)
> Center ( 499989.750, 137868.750) (177d 0'0.33"W, 1d14'50.42"N)
> Which means its crossing the dateline meridian, a never ending source of
> problems, in particular for gdalwarp...
> There's luckily a workaround. You can give a hint to the warping algorithm by
> specifying the center longitude of the area of interest.
> Try this : gdalwarp --config CENTER_LONG 180 -s_srs EPSG:36001 -t_srs
> EPSG:4326 source_dataset out.tif
> The longitude extent of the out.tif will be approx. between 179.55 and 186.44,
> which might cause issues in number of applications that would expect the
> longitude to be in the [-180,180] range. In that case, you'd likely need to
> cut it into 2 pieces, at the west and east of longitude 180 with
> gdal_translate.
> (You could also try with CENTER_LONG set at -180, which would leave to simular
> results, but with extent centered around -180 ...)
> Best regards,
> Even
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