[gdal-dev] kmlsuperoverlay driver

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.nl
Mon Sep 27 04:03:57 EDT 2010

On 09/24/2010 03:52 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Vincent Schut wrote:
>>  On 09/23/2010 02:48 PM, Vincent Schut wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> I was curious about the new gdal klmsuperoverlay driver 
>>> (frmts/kmlsuperoverlay). I have installed minizip, and ran make in 
>>> the frmts/kmlsuperoverlay folder, which resulted in a 
>>> kmlsuperoverlaydataset.o. Now what? How would I incorporate this 
>>> into my gdal lib, either internally or as a plugin? I tried to 
>>> search google to no avail, documentation (or my searching abilities) 
>>> appears to be a bit sparse...
>> No one?
>> Shamelessly bumping my own message with some more info:
>> I've tried creating a .so from the .o (gcc -shared 
>> -Wl,-soname,kmlsuperoverlaydataset.so -o kmlsuperoverlaydataset.so 
> Vincent,
> plugins have to have a filename of the form "gdal_<drivername>.so"
> and the registration entry point for the driver in that .so has to be
> of the form "GDALRegister_<drivername>".  I see the registration entry
> point is GDALRegister_KMLSUPEROVERLAY() so you should name the .so

Thanks Frank, works like a charm. Just renaming the file caused gdalinfo 
--formats to report KMLSUPEROVERLAY as a supported driver.

I'll do some tests later to see if this driver is useful for me, and to 
compare it to the gdal2tiles script.

> I'll leave it up to Harsh Govind to answer questions about the driver 
> itself.
> Best regards,

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