[gdal-dev] re-gridding to a coarser grid
Travis Kirstine
traviskirstine at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 10:35:57 EST 2011
Yes gdalwarp support various resampling methods
To use different resampling methods use the -r flag followed by the method
gdalwarp -r near ..............
gdalwarp -r bilinear .............
On 14 December 2011 08:26, Andreas H. <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:
> Travis,
> thanks for your answer!
> Regarding the resampling methods: Do they all just interpolate the data? I
> mean, when downsampling, usually I would use mean() or something similar
> to fill the new (coarser) grid cells. Doas gdalwarp actually do this and
> I'm not able to understand the documentation, or is it different?
> Thanks again!
> Andreas.
>> Andreas,
>> gdalwarp can be used to resample images using the -tr flag or -ts flag.
>> For example resample 1m image to 10m using cubic resampling and
>> "target resolution'
>> gdalwarp -r cubic -tr 10 10 input_1m.tif output_10m.tif
>> You may have an issue determining the output resolution as I believe
>> the resolution will be in decimal degrees rather than arc-seconds.
>> Regards
>> On 13 December 2011 14:52, Andreas H. <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> let's say I have a GeoTIFF file with a global grid in a 30 arc-second
>>> resolution. Which would be the appropriate GDAL command to spatially
>>> down-sample this file to say 0.125°?
>>> Thanks for your insight,
>>> Andreas.
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