[gdal-dev] bit length overflow in deflate compress

Ivan Lucena ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com
Thu Dec 29 14:15:32 EST 2011

Hi there,

I am getting a lot of messages like that when using deflate compression (zlib):

$ gdal_translate input.tif output.tif -co compress=deflate
Input file size is 800, 600
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

bit length overflow
code 4 bits 5->6

bit length overflow
code 16 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 11 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 5 bits 6->7
code 11 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 3 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 5 bits 5->6

bit length overflow
code 5 bits 6->7
code 12 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 11 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 12 bits 6->7

bit length overflow
code 16 bits 6->7

The input and output image has the same checksum at the end, so what is going on?

The image is RGB, GDAL is compiled for 32bits running in a win64 machine.



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