[gdal-dev] RasterIO in paralel

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Feb 8 16:48:03 EST 2011

Le mardi 08 février 2011 22:41:50, Stefano Moratto a écrit :
> Hello,
>           given an opened GDAL dataset, is it possibile to perform
> gdalrasterio calls for each band in a dedicated thread per band in a
> thead-safe way?
> E.g. I have a raster image with 3 band (r,g,b). Since I have 4 core I would
> like to I run a thread for a band r, one for band g and one for band g.

This has been discussed recently. See http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-
dev/2011-January/027567.html and the following messages.

(I'd note that if you process a pixel interleaved image, there are 
optimizations in the GTiff driver to make the fetching of other bands almost 
'free' if you read block by block, so there's probably little to gain, but the 
results of your experiments are welcome)

> Regards,
> Stefano

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