[gdal-dev] Windows builds and wildcard usage for gdaltindex &
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Feb 24 15:34:16 EST 2011
On 11-02-24 03:22 PM, Armin Burger wrote:
> Hi all
> I wanted to use a more recent Windows build than the latest FW Tools which are
> a bit old now. I used the binaries from
> http://vbkto.dyndns.org/sdk/PackageList.aspx?file=release-1310-gdal-1-8-0-mapserver-5-6-6.zip
> All works fine, just the usage of wildcards in tools like gdaltindex or
> gdalbuildvrt does not work any more. If I run eg
> gdaltindex tileindex.shp *.tif
> I just get the error that the file "*.tif" could not be found. Same happens for
> gdalbuildvrt.exe. So the wildcard resolution seems not to work any more (it
> still did work in the last FWTools 2.4.7). For gdaltindex I can use a "for"
> loop command because it adds every tif to the same shape, but I don't think
> this workaround works for the gdalbuildvrt.
> On Linux builds the wildcards usage still works fine with GDAL 1.8. Any ideas
> if this will be fixed for Windows?
Armin / Tamas,
For this the SETARGV macro in nmake.opt needs to reference an appropriate
setargv.obj object file from the visual studio tree. The default is
commented out:
#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj
On Unix and unix like shells such as cygwin on windows the shell performs
expansion of wildcards in filenames. On the Windows CMD.EXE command processor
this is not the case, and the setargv.obj provides a default implementation
of wildcard expansion.
Perhaps Tamas could enable this for his builds.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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