[gdal-dev] An issue about using GDALWARP to dotheNTv2transformation

heng.feng heng.feng at aircominternational.com
Mon Jan 24 01:22:28 EST 2011

Hi Uwe,

I have been trying to use gdal_merge.py to merge a few 8 bit colored .tif tiles together. Having tried all sorts of options for this command, I always ended up with a merged 8-bit grayscale picture. I did a search on the internet and found a couple of posts related to this, however it seemed to me that the gdal_merge.py just does not have the ability to preserve the color. Did I get the wrong idea about this? Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem?

Not sure if I should post a separate message for this gdal_merge.py issue.  I just thought this would be the quickest way to get the help :)

From: Schmitz, Uwe [via OSGeo.org] [ml-node+5931200-375580391-308251 at n2.nabble.com]
Sent: 17 January 2011 09:22
To: Heng Feng
Subject: AW: [gdal-dev] An issue about using GDALWARP to dotheNTv2transformation


> Hi Uwe,
> Hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.

Yes, thank you (but I have the impression that mine has
been shorter than yours ;-))

> Regarding the issue about the NTv2 transformation,
> the map data provider has confirmed that the raster
> data do cover some areas which are outside the Germany
> map, hence the area of the grid shift file.  I have
> taken your second suggestion and ignore the coordinates
> outside BeTA2007 grid.  However,  by running the suggested
> command on some raster data, this time I have got the
>  message "Inverse grid shift iteration failed, presumably
> at grid edge. Using first approximation." Do you know
> why I am having this message? Do I need to worry about it?
No! NTv2 is based on a grid of shift values from System A
to System B (DHDN -> ETRS89 in your case). For the other
direction (B->A, or ETRS89->DHDN) the shift value is
calculated by an iterative approach. Near the grid edges it's
possible that during the iteartion the coordinates fall
outside the grid. I would imagine that this is the case
for the message you see.

Assuming you don't need precise transformation results
outside the BeTA2007 grid, you can safely ignore this

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