Fwd: [gdal-dev] Create a shape file with polygons

Jorge Martin jormarfe at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 11:27:10 EST 2011


I've tried to develope the program that create a shape file with polygons.
But the GIS open the shp but there is nothing inside only the attributes,
not the polygons. I have the code from Python but I do not know the problem.

Here I paste the code:

int write_shapefilePolygon() {

const char *pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
 OGRSFDriver *poDriver;


poDriver =

if( poDriver == NULL )
 printf( "%s driver not available.\n", pszDriverName );
 exit( 1 );

OGRDataSource *poDS;

poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource( "Polygon.shp", NULL );

       if( poDS == NULL )
 printf( "Creation of output file failed.\n" );
 exit( 1 );

OGRLayer *poLayer;

 poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer( "countries", NULL, wkbPolygon, NULL );

          if( poLayer == NULL )
printf( "Layer creation failed.\n" );
 exit( 1 );

OGRFieldDefn oField( "Name", OFTString );


 if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
printf( "Creating Name field failed.\n" );
 exit( 1 );

double x, y;
string szName;

 char Line[4000];
char *tmp;

 ifstream infile ("/home/jjmf/Desktop/Shape
files/polygon/ospy_data2/ut_counties.txt", ifstream::in);


 OGRPolygon myPoligon;

tmp = strtok (Line, ":");

szName = string (tmp);

       while (tmp != NULL)

       OGRLinearRing MyRing;// = (OGRLinearRing*)

        tmp = strtok (NULL, ",");


               string Coords = string(tmp);

              size_t pos = Coords.find(" ");

              string CoordX = Coords.substr(0,pos);
              string CoordY = Coords.substr(pos);

              x = atof(CoordX.c_str());
               y = atof(CoordY.c_str());





    OGRFeature *poFeature;

      poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature( poLayer->GetLayerDefn() );

       poFeature->SetField( "Name", szName.c_str() );


       if( poLayer->CreateFeature( poFeature ) != OGRERR_NONE )
     printf( "Failed to create feature in shapefile.\n" );
      exit( 1 );

        OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature );

OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS );


 exit( 0 );




2011/1/17 Jorge <jormarfe at gmail.com>

> Thank you very much in advance. I am developing with C++, but I will try to
> understand the code. I think it will easy.
> Thank you.
> Jorge
> El 17/01/2011, a las 18:18, Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com> escribió:
> >> I`m new developing software with GDAL and OGR libraries. I has used the
> code
> >> from the OGR web that read and write a shapefile (points). What I really
> >> want is to read and write shapefiles with polygons.
> >
> > Hi Jorge
> > if you are using Python this [0] is the best resource out there.
> > Look at the sample in week 2 of the tutorial for effectively writing
> > (and reading) a Polygon shapefile.
> > If you are not using Python you should not have too much problems for
> > converting the Python code to the language you are using.
> > Another very good resource is to look at the source code: again,
> > supposing that you are using Python, this sample [1] should work for
> > you
> >
> > ciao
> > P
> >
> > [0] http://www.gis.usu.edu/~chrisg/python/2009/
> > [1]
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/gdal/swig/python/samples/assemblepoly.py
> >
> > --
> > Paolo Corti
> > GIS specialist and web developer
> > web: http://www.paolocorti.net
> > twitter: @paolo_corti
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