[gdal-dev] GDAL for Python 3.2 on Windows 64bit
Isaac Gerg
isaac.gerg at gergltd.com
Sat Jul 9 13:08:34 EDT 2011
Do you guys know when 3.2 will be supported? How do I build from 3.2
currently using the patches you mentioned -- are there instructions
Thanks in advance,
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Even Rouault
<even.rouault at mines-paris.org>wrote:
> Le samedi 09 juillet 2011 13:56:54, Tamas Szekeres a écrit :
> > 2011/7/8 Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org>
> >
> > > http://vbkto.dyndns.org/sdk/ proposes bindings for 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1.
> > > Perhaps
> > > Tamas would want to add support for 3.2 ?
> >
> > How do we stand with the Python 3.2 support in GDAL? Do we still require
> to
> > patch the gererated interface files so as to compile the bindings
> > successfully?
> > I'm a bit hesitant to include a patching step as part of the build
> > execution sequence.
> I've just downloaded the latest swig version 2.0.4 and the good news is
> that
> it now generates binding files compatible with Python 3.2 (as well as with
> previous Python versions). I also tested quickly with Java and Perl and the
> generated files are good enough to enable "make test" to run successfully.
> However, with CSharp, the generated cpp files have the following duplicate
> declaration
> static OsrPINVOKE() {
> }
> static OsrPINVOKE() {
> }
> which causes the following error :
> mcs /debug:full /target:library /out:osr_csharp.dll osr/*.cs
> AssemblyInfo.cs
> osr/OsrPINVOKE.cs(192,10): error CS0111: A member
> `OSGeo.OSR.OsrPINVOKE.OsrPINVOKE()' is already defined. Rename this member
> or
> use different parameter types
> osr/OsrPINVOKE.cs(188,10): (Location of the symbol related to previous
> error)
> whereas it is ok with swig 1.3.40
> I couldn't find a relevant ticket in their bug tracker about this duplicate
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Tamas
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