[gdal-dev] Problem Compiling with Oracle (--with-oci)

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Tue Jun 21 13:38:48 EDT 2011

What would need changed in the configure file? There is no reference 
there to the non-existent libexpat.

I'm not familiar with spec files... but if I wanted to learn - what 
could I do there that I couldn't do in the configure/make process? The 
spec file still uses the package's build system right?

It's not until the final linking with libtool that the problem happens, 
I just don't know what I need to tell libtool to get it to smarten up...

Surely other people have compiled with support for oracle 11g? CentOS is 
just repackaged RHEL.... I don't know what I'm doing that is out of the 
ordinary here.


Nikolaos Hatzopoulos wrote:
> check the configure file it might need changes (vi configure)
> you can add the elgis repo add the devel package and start getting 
> involved with
> the compile.
> this is a src rpm:
> http://elgis.argeo.org/repos/testing/5/elgis/SRPMS/gdal-1.8.0-2.el5.elgis.src.rpm
> if you are familiar with spec files I strongly suggest you to do it 
> that way :)
> --Nikos Hatzopoulos
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Chris Hodgson 
> <chodgson at refractions.net <mailto:chodgson at refractions.net>> wrote:
>     grep tells me that the /ade/smayer.../ path is not in any text
>     file in my gdal distribution (even after configuring) - which I
>     grabbed the latest 1.8.0 from osgeo.org <http://osgeo.org>.
>     Chris
>     Ivan Lucena wrote:
>         Chris,
>         I am not on my Linux machine now to confirm but I would never
>         needed to use --with-expat pointing to Oracle's path. It is
>         fanny that you found that smaver path. Sounds like you got a
>         tar.gz package from someone, not from a GDAL distribution.
>         The OCI driver should not depend in nothing but OCI apart from
>         GDAL/OGR stuff.
>         Regards,
>         Ivan
>              -------Original Message-------
>              From: Chris Hodgson <chodgson at refractions.net
>             <mailto:chodgson at refractions.net>>
>              To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>             <mailto:gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>              Subject: [gdal-dev] Problem Compiling with Oracle
>             (--with-oci)
>              Sent: Jun 20 '11 17:43
>              I'm trying to compile GDAL/OGR with support for
>             Oracle/OCI. I have the
>              full oracle 11g server installed on CentOS 5.3.
>              # configure --with-oci=/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/
>              # make
>              ...
>              libtool:.....
>              g++:
>             /ade/smayer_perl_510/perl_source/expat_home/lib/libexpat.so:
>             No
>              such file or directory
>              I think this path might be from the person who compiled
>             the OCI
>              libraries for oracle 11? I have nothing remotely like it
>             on my system.
>              If I add --with-expat=no to my configure line I get
>             errors during
>              linking about undefined references to XML_... so I'm
>             guessing the linked
>              OCI drivers need the expat lib linked in.
>              I added /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib to my
>             LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
>              and there is a libexpat.so.1.5.2 there, as well as my
>              /lib/libexpat.so.0.5.0 which is from my CentOS standarad
>             RPMS:
>              # rpm -qa | grep expat
>              expat-1.95.8-8.2.1
>              expat-devel-1.95.8-8.2.1
>              I also tried
>             --with-expat=/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/ but there
>              are no headers there, among other problems.
>              How can I get this to work?
>              Thanks,
>              Chris
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