[gdal-dev] gdalwarp without metadata

Goo Creations goocreations at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 04:38:11 EST 2011

Hi all

I'm using gdal warp to warp a jpeg (with world file) to GeoTiff. After
the Tif was created, I can open it in any image viewer and the image
looks fine (width, height and correct rotation)
When I open the image in any GIS software (eg: QGIS or FreeView) the
image is rotated twice as much as it should.

I think that gdalwarp warps (rotates) the image pixel itselfs and
additionally stores the info in the tif header. So when I open the
image, the already rotated pixels get rotated again.
Is there any way I can pass gdalwarp a flag that either doesn't store
the metadata (if this is the problem) or doesn't rotate the pixels?


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