[gdal-dev] Re: Wiki page about CMake for GDAL
Mateusz Łoskot
mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Nov 3 20:48:19 EDT 2011
2011/11/3 Jayesh Chaudhary <aashishcy at gmail.com>:
>> > Also as far as dependencies of GDAL driver's are concerned, we can
>> > probably manage them using CMake superbuild support.
>> I have never heard of CMake superbuild support.
>> Where can I learn more?
> This is a very good question. Actually I realized that not much information
> is posted on the cmake documentation. I will talk to CMake lead and find
> some good reference. There are projects out there (like ParaView) that uses
> superbuild but I will see if I can post a simple example of it. I have been
> using this feature now for a about year or so.
Great, looking forward to learning about it.
I guess it may be off-topic on gdal-dev, so please push any links to
me on mateusz at loskot.net.
>> > Also I wanted to point out that, I had started cmake port of gdal last
>> > year which is based on your work:
>> > https://gitorious.org/cmake-gdal
>> I see. I have seen this repo and I was wondering what is this about.
> Now you know -:) Actually we have been using this port for a different
> project. I know that 2-3 people contacted me and now using it as well.
> [...]
> Sure, we have been using this port of boost for some of our big projects.
> [...]
> Yes, boost developers visited Kitware I believe last year.
This is the experience I have mentioned in my previous
messages that I believe would be extremely useful here.
> Said that, what would be our next step?
Given the experience you have at Kitware with big CMake-driven projects,
it would be very useful if you can evaluate for example Boost CMake.
Is this a good piece of CMake configuration?
What are its weaknesses?
If we need to discuss it, then I'd suggest to do it outside gdal-dev
list to avoid off-topic here.
Next, I will ask GDAL PSC for permission to create sandbox repository for us.
I think it would be good to host it in GDAL's spike, e.g.
or may be as an official branch in
You will have to obtain access to SVN too.
Once we have the home ready, we start scripting.
> Should we start from scratch?
I think we start from scratch anyway.
Previous gdal-cmake attempt would not be a good foundation.
> I would like to get it started as soon as possible.
Sure, here we come.
Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org
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