[gdal-dev] Gdalinfo.exe is magic, why not bindings ?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Nov 26 11:55:26 EST 2011
Le samedi 26 novembre 2011 14:21:35, Florent JITIAUX a écrit :
> Hi,
> first thanks for all tools and bidings.
> I have a question about Gdalinfo.exe and gdal binding programs.
> I have an USRP map but with some fields errors. When i try to load it with
> the java Gdalinfo, the open failed (the dataset is null). When i use
> gdalinfo.exe to read the map, the error mesage is the same but after
> gdalinfo succeeds to identify the driver and get informations about the
> map. I found the IdentyDriver method of Gdal class which is able to read
> the driver of my map but impossible to find a way to read informations
> with the java binding. That's why i say gdalinfo.exe is magic.
> That's the same with Gdalbuildvrt. With the java binding it's impossible to
> create a vrt because the dataset is null but it works with the .exe.
There's no magic here, but it is true that Java, Python and perhaps other
bindings will return none/null if an error is emitted in the Open() method of
the driver, even if it returned a non-null dataset. There was a rationale for
this. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/11529 /
What should be done probably is turn the CE_Failure into a CE_Warning if the
dataset opened by gdalinfo is readable. What is the *exact* error message you
are seing ?
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