[gdal-dev] Resquest for comments (RFC 36)

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Oct 4 01:54:26 EDT 2011

Le mardi 04 octobre 2011 05:55:27, Chaitanya kumar CH a écrit :
> What happens when a user tries to open a file named "hfa:example_file.img"
> the current way when there is also a file name "example_file.img"?

That should be fine. Ivan's code is only triggered :

if ( oOpenInfo.bStatOK == false && strstr( pszFilename, ":" ) != NULL  ) 

So if "hfa:example_file.img" is a regular file, it will be opened through the 
usual open mechanism.

> What if we try to reorder the driver list according to the file extension?

That was one of the previous Ivan's attempt (actually the reordering was done 
according to the provided driver name, not file extension which is not a 100% 
reliable way of guessing the driver), but there are multithread concurrency 
problems with this solution that would oblige to hold a mutex around pfn-
>Open(), which would hurt scalability.

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