[gdal-dev] Re: Problem converting certain postgis tables to
Jukka Rahkonen
jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Sep 7 10:52:31 EDT 2011
Andreas Neumann <a.neumann <at> carto.net> writes:
> Hi,
> I am converting several tables from Postgis to SpatiaLite using
> ogr2ogr.
> Here is my command:
> -----------
> ogr2ogr -append -lco LAUNDER=yes -lco SPATIAL_INDEX=yes -nln
> av_grenzpunkte -f SQLite uster.sqlite PG:"dbname='mydb' host='myserver'
> port='5432' user='username' password='pw' schemas=av_user
> tables=grenzpunkte(the_geom)"
> ----------
I have used these options:
-dsco SPATIALITE=yes
and for polygon layers
-nlt MULTIPOLYGON (Spatialite do not want polygons and multipolygons on the same
layer, so let them be all multipolygons). Same with mixed lines/multilines if
you may have those.
-update is needed when adding new layers. Are you adding to an existing table
because you have -append?
Ogr2ogr does not create totally valid Spatialite databases. Therefore I skip the
SPATIAL_INDEX because conversion is faster without. After ogr2ogr process I am
cleaning the resulting database by copying the tables into a fresh Spatialite
database with OpenLite tool http://www.gaia-gis.it/OpenLite/
-Jukka Rahkonen-
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