[gdal-dev] Adding GMLJP2 metadata into existing JPEG2000 file

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Apr 15 13:31:24 EDT 2012

Le vendredi 13 avril 2012 10:30:12, Even Rouault a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Alex Sevaliev from j2k-codec.com already wrote such a tool for us. It can
> > be used
> > in a fast mode when new GML boxes are written at the end of the JPEG2000
> > file and then it is super fast even with however big files.
> Yes, in fact, if the GML file to insert is already generated, the tool to
> insert the GMLJP2 box might likely be written in a few dozains of lines of
> any programming/scripting language, and that doesn't require to know how
> to decode JPEG2000 streams, nor link with GDAL.

As an illustration of the above, you can try the append_gmljp2_box.py script 
that I've linked to http://even.rouault.free.fr/

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