[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr - M-values?

Markus Persson Markus.Persson at vitec.se
Fri Aug 3 06:12:45 PDT 2012


I have tried using ogr2ogr to get Oracle data to a .shp-file, this seems to work nice most of the times but not on my point objects. The .shp-file get X, Y and Z-values, but no M. And when I try to load this into DotSpatial so does it say that the .shp-file is wrong.
I tried another tool and created a .shp-file from the same data, and the only difference is that the .shp-file got some M-values and DotSpatial could load that.

So I think I have two options. Which one is the right one?

1)      Force ogr2ogr to output some M-values. How do I do this?

2)      Ogr2ogr works as intended and the fault is at DotSpatial? I have created an issue already and waiting for an answer.

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