[gdal-dev] How to append data into an existing database table
Jeremy Palmer
JPalmer at linz.govt.nz
Mon Jan 9 16:47:21 EST 2012
Hi All,
I've got an existing spatial table in PostgreSQL with has an existing primary key (non-serial) and shape column:
id integer NOT NULL,
appellation TEXT,
affected_surveys TEXT,
parcel_intent TEXT NOT NULL,
topology_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
statutory_actions TEXT,
land_district VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
titles TEXT,
survey_area numeric(20,4),
calc_area numeric(20,4) NOT NULL,
shape geometry,
I'm trying to append data from a CSV file into a pg database but I'm having problems:
ogr2ogr -append -f PostgreSQL "PG:host=xxxx dbname=xxxx" test1.vrt -nln test_1
ERROR 1: INSERT command for new feature failed.
ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
Command: INSERT INTO "public"."test_csv_table_1" ("affected_surveys", "appellation", "calc_area", "land_district", "parcel_intent", "statutory_actions", "survey_area", "titles", "topology_type") VALUES ('SO 11957, SO 1207', 'Part Sec 11 Waimea West DIST', 10.5708, 'Nelson', 'DCDB', '[Create] For the Use, Convenience and Enjoyment of a Road New Zealand Gazette 1979 p 3136', 10.0000, '', 'Primary') RETURNING id
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer test1 (use -skipfailures to skip errors)
Looks to me like it's expecting the id to be automatically populated and returned from the database. But I actually want the id values within the CSV to be used. Plus the geometry data from the CSV has been completed omitted.
Here's the CSV vrt schema:
<OGRVRTLayer name="test1">
<SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="1">test1.csv</SrcDataSource>
<Field name="id" src="id" type="Integer"/>
<Field name="appellation" src="appellation" type="String" />
<Field name="affected_surveys" src="affected_surveys" type="String" />
<Field name="parcel_intent" src="parcel_intent" type="String" />
<Field name="topology_type" src="topology_type" type="String" width="100" />
<Field name="statutory_actions" src="statutory_actions" type="String" />
<Field name="land_district" src="land_district" type="String" width="100" />
<Field name="titles" src="titles" type="String" />
<Field name="survey_area" src="survey_area" type="Real" width="20" precision ="4" />
<Field name="calc_area" src="calc_area" type="Real" width="20" precision ="4" />
<GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="shape" reportSrcColumn="FALSE"/>
I see there is a layer creation options that changes the fid and geometry column names, but because I'm appending it won't let me use these options.
Also note that my CSV file contains polygon and multipolygon WKT.
I have also tried doing similar operations with the spatialite and MSSQL drivers and got the same error.
I'm using gdal/ogr 1.8.0
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