[gdal-dev] read a catalog is slower then directly the raster?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Jan 31 15:25:53 EST 2012

> Hello Even,
> We have tested as you said. Also we added some code to check execution
> time of GDALRasterIO. We used two rasters in QGIS. First
> ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/geotiff/samples/misc/tjpeg.tif have
> rotation and warpped in QGIS, second - without rotation
> http://gis-lab.info/data/samples/tjpeg-unroated.7z (the same raster with
> removed rotation)
> For first raster there was such situation (just only for one raster block):
> GDALRasterIO time (ms): 18874
> For second raster:
> GDALRasterIO time (ms): 2
> If you need more test, don't hesitate to say.
> My be, it worth thinking to apply my patch.


I don't intend to work directly on that issue, but now you are a GDAL 
committer, you can make appropriate use of your rights :-)

I hadn't reviewed in deep details your patch, but as I remember it was a non 
trivial one, I'd encourage you to check that the GDAL python autotest suite 
still passes in your local tree. And possibly to extend it to trigger your new 

Best regards,


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