[gdal-dev] Creating new column with filename, scripting shapefiles

Joe Larson joe at joelarson.com
Thu Nov 29 07:28:33 PST 2012

I have tried these three methods to add a filename column while scripting a folder of shapefiles, with a Bash script - which results in `Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name` & `ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error` messages and NULL values in the created column :


for f in *.shp;



ogrinfo $f -sql "ALTER TABLE $name ADD COLUMN filename character(10)"
ogrinfo $f -sql "UPDATE TABLE $name filename = '$f'"


for f in *.shp;


name=`echo "$f"|sed 's/\.shp$//g'`

ogrinfo $f -sql "ALTER TABLE $name ADD COLUMN filename character(10)"
ogrinfo $f -sql "UPDATE TABLE $name filename = '$f'"


for f in *.shp;


name=`basename $f .shp`

ogrinfo $f -sql "ALTER TABLE $name ADD COLUMN filename character(10)"
ogrinfo $f -sql "UPDATE TABLE $name filename = '$f'"

There's an example here http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQVector called "How do I include the source filename in a field when merging hundreds of shapefiles (Windows)?" I also cannot get this to work - getting "unrecognized fieldname" message.

Perhaps my variable does not work in the Bash SQL statement. I'm not sure what's going on in the Windows example.

Joe Larson
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