[gdal-dev] Unable to create OGRSpatialReference

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Oct 19 11:35:08 PDT 2012

Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 16:41:14, jcurru a écrit :
> Hello!
> I have an old problem with TOWGS84 and OGRSpatialReference. Most likely
> it's because I'm no expert in GDAL. It is important for my project, and
> limits many of its capabilities. The fact is that, for unknown reasons (to
> me), proj4 does not do well conversions between coordinate system if there
> are not a TOWGS84 nodes inside the OGRSpatialReference(s).
> First of all: is this so? Do I really need that node? If not properly
> added, clearly some conversions fail.

The best is to point you to some reference documentation :


> I continue: Imagine getting an OGRSpatialReference a shapefile or a TIF. To
> assign the node TOWGS84, what I do is look into the file "EPSG", found in
> many sites related to GDAL, that contains a list of EPSGs with
> corresponding parameters. Knowing the EPSG, I can generate the TOWGS84
> node smoothly.
> The problem comes when I do not know the OGRSpatialReference’s EPSG,
> something very common: AutoIdentifyEPSG () gets nothing most of the time,
> at least with the systems in which I work.
> So what to do then? I need the TOWGS84 node but, with my knowledge, I can
> only get it from the EPSG.

This is indeed a difficulty that is not easily solved. The WKT in .prj that come 
alongside with shapefiles is in ESRI WKT that stripps TOWGS84 information. And 
most geotiff don't include TOWGS84 : the GeoTIFF format has only been extended 
very recently to convey TOWGS84 : 

And indeed AutoIdentifyEPSG() only works a few common cases, mainly EPSG:4326, 
EPSG:326XX & EPSG:327XX (WGS84 UTM projections), EPSG:267XX (NAD27 UTM 
projections) and EPSG:269XX (NAD83 UTM projections).

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