[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.10.0 Release Candidate 1 available for testing

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Apr 14 08:49:52 PDT 2013

Le dimanche 14 avril 2013 15:58:22, Ari Jolma a écrit :
> Even,
> Sorry for looking at this so late but I think the Perl version should be
> 1.901 because Perl versions are floating point numbers and a newer
> version needs to have a bigger number. This change should not affect
> building and using the Perl bindings.

Hum, currently there are 2 version numbers :

    our $VERSION = '1.10';
    our $GDAL_VERSION = '1.10.0';

Do you mean only to change the $VERSION one ? I see that for GDAL 1.9.2, it 
was our $VERSION = '1.92'; so if VERSION must be greater, perhaps this :

    our $VERSION = '1.991100';
    our $GDAL_VERSION = '1.10.0';

> In gdal_perl.i there is a note about a need to match the three first
> numbers of the module version and the GDAL version but I don't remember
> why it is there, probably it can be removed.

I'm not sure of the implication of this comment indeed, so I'd be more 
confortable if you could experiment and commit the right fix (and remove/ammend 
the comment if it doesn't apply)

> GDAL 1.11 should then have Perl module version number 1.9011.

Hopefully, the next major version will be 2.0

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